Happy birthday to @keizo and @hawpunch!! (Hat tip & thanks, @alicia)

Good mid-afternoon all, hope you all having a good one!

Great analysis, having too much of this is not good: The Problem with Multitasking by @LizReusswig - http://j.mp/11ZSKW9

Sad, one of the best out there. -- RP @tuaw: Ambrosia Software lays off its developing team, has reportedly folded http://aol.it/ZijNI6

Glad I was prepared for the bypassing storm, love seeing faces and panicking of folks who don't even cared to check the weather.

NASA-backed fusion engine could cut Mars trip down to 30 days: Sounds awesome if they can pull it off! #science - http://j.mp/10VVSkj

The story of the making of Medium, very interesting stuff here. - http://j.mp/Z8wTL6

Robotics goodness in DUMBO, Brooklyn! #robotics #robots - https://vine.co/v/btOhdp1XxiD

This is a great story, always love to hear these!: How I Busted a Thief Who Tried to Sell My Camera on Craigslist - http://j.mp/16KSUle

Hope you all have a good Tuesday, I am so far but plenty of tasks yet to do this week overall.