Archer is one great show, still holds up in a time where most do not. Great acting, animation, cutscenes, you name it!

I say this is the best “So I got sacked” letter from a CEO I have read in a while. Great way to admit failure. -

This is rad folks. A Borderlands-themed wedding invitation! (Link per @chartier) -

Good afternoon, ADNers. Hope you all have a good Thursday. Me? Working away but having fun while doing it which is all that matters.

Almost 5:00 already, still in the all-night like day in a NYC office getting it done on this midweek.

Just like the early days of Android I feel. — RP @bassguy: Firefox OS coming soon, but it’s not looking good for users:

Daft Punk x2? Looks like it. -

Any current PlayStation Network titles you guys and gals play these days? If so what's your fav? Me? Journey, Flower, Stacking, Wipeout among others. #ADN #gaming #PSN

Sounds about right to me… #restroom #signs

Promoting Flash-type software is quite difficult than I thought it would be, but taking the challenge like a honorable person would do. It’s part of my job after all! :D