Preserving laptop stickers are never easy so glad someone is willing to go for it []
@matigo Data too, which companies are always hungry. Can see a lot more of this as time goes by and the practice continues to be unregulated.
@matigo I'm sure you know that Pearson is going digital first on all of their textbooks going forward. [].
They're wasting no time…
@matigo I doubt it in the long term since Apple dominates this space in terms of overall distribution/promotion. Could open the door for a lot of podcasts turning into closed radio shows and we're worse off it due it it being another nail in open podcasting's coffin. :(
Don't forget Luminary too which I despise them so much since they (and Spotify) got this walled garden ball rolling.
On a waiting game with some client who needs some mini-projects done by Friday. He's not so patient that's for sure.
This if true would shake the podcast world it it's core and NOT for the better I fear.
It will create more fragmentation and open podcasting would suffer another huge blow. []
@larand That's good news (at least for now), however this is going to be a massive test on if they can stick to their mission.