Been using iMazing fully for backups and app management for about a year now as a iTunes replacement since Apple got rid of all of those app management and backup features and never looked back really.

Only use OTAs on betas


Hope it’s not too bad…

#Dev at it away today, although it’s a fun group one which is always good.

Yep, heard many horror stories back then too.

Ticketmaster: complicit and perpetrators in the scalping business.

Not a surprise, just another example of their unwilling to do anything about this.

Glad I got some meetings done, going to remind myself for 10/03 that I need to turn my phone off due to that “presidential alert” and get some coding done.

It’s a iTunes replacement for me since iTunes got rid of app support last year. Glad you picked a great one. Been using it for years when it was called DiskAid.

Software backing up is sometimes a chore especially in groups.

It’s basically Pinboard but without any privacy, pictures, and has data selling.


Looks beautiful! I’m sure you already played with it much right?

I have a old Nikon camera that I was gifted years ago, and I still whip it out occasionally, mostly during the summer months.