This looks great thus far in my view!

Can't see myself easting that much. Yikes….

Microsoft could be buying GitHub []

This would be disasterous on so many levels.

Google will not renew its partnership with the Pentagon on its AI drone program. []

Wow! Hats off to those Google employees and those who left the corporation in protest for forcing their hand. This would have been a potential PR disaster if not already.

After 80 years, Canon has said it’s final byes to the film camera business. []

An end of an era although Nikon is still going strong.

So it’s a great thing then!

Creating coding spreadsheets for a client to use in a upcoming conference is complex to say the least. Not complaining about it though since it’s a good thing to learn.

There’s a strong possibility that Apple is caving to Authoritarian regimes. Plus the risk of putting an app on Apple’s iron fist is very high.

Wow looks like there were a lot of bashing heads there.