@kdfrawg Which is why I rarely go there and if I do I activate every tracking disconnect too possible. Some people don't realize there's a whole lot to do rather than a wallet garden.
@smc @cgiffard @rabryst
Samsung defends their '1984' policy [www.theguardian.com]
I'm sure not getting one.
Nearly forgot that Google Talk support is ending this week, it's a walled garden now thanks to Hangouts.
Bathurst 12 Hour race in Austraila, which has been a good one - http://tun.in/sevLM
Netflix and Nintendo are in the early stages of developing a Zelda live-action series [blogs.wsj.com]
This is quite interesting…
Must read Bloomberg Businessweek longread on how RadioShack collapsed. Look at that cover they did of a lonely battery which is ironic [www.bloomberg.com]