I mean to devs but still. Living in an subscription (rent-only) world.

Sad reality that iOS apps these days just don't get enough revenue from developers.

"Games are a different market, but for other apps, iOS apps are more like websites than Mac apps. People expect them to be free to use." [daringfireball.net]

Gone exactly 150 business emails and 155 personal ones over the last day or two. Some experience worse though.

Kickstarter has a new payment system in partnership with Stripe - http://j.mp/14lfepB

Metal Gear. @clarkgoble

@redqueencoder You mean you tried to leave him last year? When was that? Didn't recall. @height8

@height8 @redqueencoder You can also use Chimp since it has notification support. That and HAppy is what I use now although I'll try Prowl in a way.

@pamdavis Great set! Two or three screens is the way to go.