@matigo More of a US and UK propaganda machine which is obvious.
// @streakmachine
@matigo More of a US and UK propaganda machine which is obvious.
// @streakmachine
@matigo I can clearly see the major storm there, so smart move not to let her out lol
Just ordered a Ridge wallet [ridgewallet.com]
Hearing great reviews on it so going to give this a try.
@whoisashygirl Better late than never!
What's your fav DS games then?
// @streakmachine
@matigo Nope. tried to last week, no dice since calls are quit limited sue to people not in the offices.
Had to go to the bank this morning due to a amount error that they quickly corrected. Averted a potential disaster in terms of depositing.
@matigo Actually, I'm going for one next week. Hopefully it's effective enough…