I'm a bit concerned if @adn has the same SSL bug. Hopefully it's patched.

Love that!

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain [j.mp]
Recommended & bookmark-worthy post if you having issues from a former Genius Bar employee.

lol, Dropbox's Carousel [www.carousel.com] app front page looks…weird to say the least more like cached.

Working on getting stuff done by tomorrow and I say it's going smoothly but challenging.

Great productive day, need some downtime tonight and start packing for PAX already.

"The Universe of a Single Task" [j.mp]
Some nice thoughts.

@yasmine That and Downcast are great since they're both universal apps.

Today's the final ever day that Microsoft is supporting Windows XP…..unless you have millions of dough (depending on country).

Good Tuesday everyone! Need to get work done before Friday…