The United States has some of the weakest labor protections for temp workers [] in the developed world.

I'm very appalled that most bank ATMs still have XP software, I can sense disaster.

That is awesome news, send my congrats to her!

So tired but it the preview screening was worth it, had a very late taco dinner after 11 and it was okay. Now to really rest for business in the morning. #sleepadning

A special screening, stoked for it really since October. (đź“Ť American Museum of Natural History)

"Move over product design, UX Is the future" []
It's sure looks it's heading that way.

Oh dear on that last repost. Really?

There's to a point that delivery personnel can be so apologetic when something goes minorily wrong. I told them there's no worries on that and it does happen.

Now we all know why Microsoft recently invested in Foursquare, because of a Siri & Google Now challenger called "Cortana" []

Dropped off some snail mail (for a business) and it has been a decent morning, don’t think winter isn’t going to end anytime soon though.