I think that’s the tough part, getting it right and execution.

We had a short gaming group and played a racing, action, and RPG combination of sorts. Still have leftover snacks and drinks though that will be consumed in days!

This is a good perspective on Flickr turning 10 this month and it’s rise, fall, and revival [j.mp]

@pamdavis It is, wonder how’s yours? I think it’ll be fun in some way.

A very good workout weight training this morning followed by brunch and conversation times. Thinking about getting some game-time in tonight to cap it off…

Felix on iPhone just went Free (Not sure how long though) - http://mobile.appzapp.net/Link/562447652.html #TeamAppdiction

@pamdavis Ouch, coupled with their strike a month or do back and ithas been a challenging last months. Feels like Metro North here in NY.

Getting the freedom to choose which is a good problem to have rather than forcing to use just one or two.

Good Saturday morning, I needed to do some workouts but will be on and off a bit. Hope you all are well!

I was wondering how long does full iOS7 support coming to @riposte. Close enough and a very good layout.