@pamdavis Mostly seeing the Doctor Who anniversary special at a bar with good friends and mostly partying (not that much though) but fun. Also some calming down before the week of planning for Thanksgiving.
Sending into my to-do list apps Start to prepare side-dishes when I get home tonight, I think it's time to get all of my pre-Thanksgiving set up as a two-night thing.
People still have 3GSes? – RP @mps: Lol… Wow >> @jonathan128k: Good work Vine photos.app.net/15851290/1
@pamdavis Hi, Pam hope you weekend went great. Did you do anything in particular?
How Authy built a fault-tolerant two-factor authentication service [j.mp]
My preferred service on two-factor auth, and its now on iPad too.
Or Retro (Epic) Pinball since it works in a way as well – RP @eyes: @thelma yup, the air is amazing. Just my increased use of Pinball Arcade is translating into a lot more use:) @sabby @joanna
@thelma Like a bigger iPod Touch (which some people including pundits do think on the Mini as)? To me, its not since tablets and phone play in different arenas. @sabby @joanna
@thelma Although for me, I'm going to get either the Air or the Mini retina eventually. I'll likely wait for iOS 7.1 to come out though. @sabby @joanna
@thelma They're going to have to outdo themselves of they want to fend off their competitors (the Surfaces, Nexus 7/10, Galaxy Notes of the world) which is why iPad get 6-12 month lifespan until new model. @sabby @joanna
There's going to be a major nor'easter on Wednesday that is going to affect a lot of folks on their travel plans, this article [j.mp] shows why. Hope for the best…