Good Saturday, everyone! Hot and quite sticky in NY but preparing to spend some time with good buddies today.

Ah, the dog days of summer has begun, where all kinds of situations may happen for the good or may not be.

Download me—Saying “yes” to the Web’s most dangerous search terms | Ever wonder what happens when you download all those free software? This would surprise you. -

@shawna Looks yummy to me, making me go get one!

From earlier today when I was passing through Union Square: Happy 237th, America!

![Image from Felix.jpg]( from Felix.jpg)

Just saw World War Z, surprisingly I enjoyed it despite some flaws.

Wow, this is an incredible story on a guy who became a war hero after being kicked out of two great rock bands in Nirvana and Soundgarden. -

This is what I got when I searched for "Most American picture ever". Seems quite legit to me: 7/4 Pic

![Image from Felix.jpg]( from Felix.jpg)

Still going strong despite our issues, Happy 237th birthday America!

Reinstalled the Onavo Extend app after it gave me a bit of trouble, still can't leave the house without it in hand.