@jussipekonen That was one of my reasons why I joined ADN in the first place. Something that actually gave a shit about devs and users alike.
@larand I recently tried the official Android app for the first time in a long time as a test purpose and it was a horrible experience in terms of workflow despite playing around with the settings. A mess if you will.
I feel this is what would put me over into deleting it.
I feel this is the moment where I might finally flee the nest should it happen [apps-of-a-feather.com]
There’s plenty of good alternatives out there like this right here.
Really not surprised that the gaming industry has now joined the net neutrality war against the FCC and it’s Big Telecom friends. [arstechnica.com]
Why? Because online gaming could be severely affected if the repeal stands.
@c Agreed, 1s are always good especially Cloudflare’s DNS service.