I may have to get at least two Criterion films from the flash sale because why not?

Been a fan since that "One More Time" video. Also got their older stuff which is very underrated.


It's great to see that, I'm glad you're in a much better place.


Yep, there's one of my fav acts of the 21st Century. All of their albums are so good.


Last full week of the month. It'll be spring before people know it…

Did some board games with my visiting girlfriend today and that was a good shot in the arm that I needed. Feeling energized again


A very good effort I say. Does she watch the spot before this?


So another week past then, albeit a challenging one weather wise.

Quite a great view for a getaway.


Yep, it'll be interesting to see how much data it's going to get. A good start today for sure.
