Which tool did you use?


A client's wi-fi upgrade to IPv6 should happen next week. I'm very excited to work on it.

Finally, my mom is going to get her first COVID vaccine shot on Friday which is a relief. Finding appointments is a challenge of a time.

Of course, and a universal one.


So Jeff Bezos has only space left to conquer then. Not bad for a man who basically is an anti-hero type.

Congrats! Hope it's a better place.


Eventually it's going to change a bit thanks to Dark Sky going away and merged with the iOS weather app.


15-18 snow inches now (expected 24-27 inches when this is over.

This is when I tried to clean up my backyard: img<u>20210201</u>130053

A fun and calming week in terms of productivity despite the stock dramas.

Only 60 minutes Ouch…
