Client asked on email if there is a way to speed up the deadline, but little do they realize that it's not my call. However I still get pings!

The New York Public Library came to their common senses and scrapped a controversial plan to renovate their flagship branch on 42nd St []. Would have been a disaster.

Requiem for a Social Platform:'s Unrealized Potential []
A great "what could have been" perspective from @christina and glad you're sticking around.

Had a good Wednesdsy night as I was reunited with an old colleague from long ago. Wow I feel old. In any rate time for bed!

@pamdavis Okay then, just take care of that at least.

OMNI Throwback: The Future of Gaming — | I have this issue and it’s still holds up.

@pamdavis Really? I guess you should plan a to-do list of eating meals.

"As always, almost all of AOL’s profits come from its sales of dial-up Internet access" []
What is this? 1997?

Meetings: even more of a soul-sucking waste of time than you thought []
Yep, mostly unnecessary realistically.

Coffee is in afterburners mode around the office today and it's not even half-day gone. Productive or crash? Who knows.