Good Thursday everyone, overcast day but I'll take it.

So you're must be new at this thing right? I can relate when I first joined it took a while. @braincutlery @billkunz

Time to call it a night, til tomorrow!

A small victory condemned by being a task master at all parts today, think i’m getting used to this new responsibility.

Looks like Tapbots finally added something that was lacking for a while now… -

Happen to agree with you, just ugh on this one really. I think even most would take that offer.

Wow, you're not going to like this one bit: The NSA is collecting phone records of millions of Verizon's customers daily over three months -

Ouch, Whitney Museum's new logo does look like a MS Paint job, thoughts anyone on this? -

Just becoming too big is your guess

Still here, just occupied mostly. Sometimes deadlines are essential.