Also nice that @berklee got a mention on one of the iPad screenshots! -

So there you have it. If you haven't own #Felix yet, now's the time to dip in. You won't regret it!

Camino was one of the first modern browsers that I have used, quite sad but was the right call to put it to pasture. Still made an great contribution though. -

This is a great longform piece on the privatization of space travel: "Welcome to the Real Space Age" -

Here's some rare footage of New York City in 1939, this is very cool I say and it's a much different world of course. -

Happy Sunday! Getting some morning chores then get some plans for tomorrow done.

Anyway needing a break, but had a good Saturday mostly productive-wise. 'til we meet again, ADN!

@pamdavis Have to say most of your pics from your trip are beauties, this is great! Hope you're well.

I have to feel so bad for Grant Hill & Jean Stapleton. Both retirement and death respectively is overshadowed by a certain Doctor leaving…

Remember, beautiful and hot in terms of weather doesn't mix. Tried to explain to someone in their 40s & I guess he doesn't get it…