90 degrees, just 8 short of an band name.

This is why I love the humble bundles, this week includes the awesome Walking Dead game from Telltale. A great chance to get it if you're still on th fence on it! - https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly

Oh wait, why do we need internet connections that are 400x faster than Google Fiber? Is fiberoptic enough? - http://j.mp/14b4Ppc

Sometimes, recycling can be a frenemy in regards to what can or can’t be recycled. For example, a foam can't be recycled despite it says it on the label, Ugh…

Congrats to @glennf as the new sole owner of @themagazine. Will be interesting to see what's to come going forward and great that nothing will change. - Under Old Management [the-magazine.org]

This is quite a good one: "On gaming as escapism" - http://j.mp/14GSqeK

Wow, I do hope this is not the end of the age of the "ribbet", this would be a bummer since frogs and other amphibians are fun - http://j.mp/10Gn5G4

A must get if you own a iOS device or a Mac,, great investment. -- RP @jenni: if you still have not picked it up, now is the time. cannot recommend it enough Get 50% off 1Password and Knox, 100% more security in your life | Agile Blog [blog.agilebits.com]

Half of College Grads Are Working Jobs That Don't Require a Degree - http://j.mp/12iIICO | Sad because I know a lot of people in this situation.

Long first day back, so not going to have much time to interact tonight. Hopefully it’ll be better timing.