@variablepulserate Yep, our 40+ years of monopolistic friendly governments from all levels caused this digital divide and it'll set the nation back decades already.
Sometimes, I have to feel lucky that I even have connectivity unlike many others.
@matigo It was one of the high points for the Sega Saturn alongside Nights, fun to play although I never owned one.
// @variablepulserate @phoneboy
With many ISPs decided to temporarily reduce their qualities, it's a bit more difficult to get constant connections these days. I used to have like 120 Mbps al the time, now it's about 90 Mbps.
@phoneboy I know some desktop apps and websites don't even allow copy and paste so only way is to manually type them.
// @variablepulserate
Can all of you please spread the word on Forbidden Planet NYC's GoFundMe drive? [gofundme.com]
They really need all the help they can get.
@streakmachine I'm surprised 32-bit isn't available especially with older PCs.
// @matigo
@JeremyCherfas I usually use at least two since you never know if their business model changes at any time or suddenly you can't get access to.
// @variablepulserate