The problem with security keys are that it's still new and most websites don't support it. It's probably going to take years for it to take off (if at all). 2FA is still a mess in most ways.

Honestly, I'm okay with my password manager, but I wish they all can do more with it.

Testing from a client's HP laptop.

Browsing does look fine from here.

Some great details on those photos shoots, what a good day to go out too.

Thankfully, my clients are understanding into the delays that come with this crisis. Glad I have some of the best people.

Most small businesses tried to apply for the PPP, but it quickly ran out of money and/or had issues when trying to apply. I was spot on when I predicted a bloodbath.

Got access to a service I never thought I had. A good Monday!

Yep, and thanks to Article 17 there will be destruction.

Thanks in part to the Copyright Directive of course which throws a wrench into everything.

Imagine if lines of code are inoperable due to copyright. That's happening in the EU right now and it could come to the US.

Went ahead and just completed the online 2020 Census that was in idle for the past couple of weeks. Please do fill it out if you haven't already done so since it's mandatory.