Calculating all my expenses on PCalc then transferring those into my spreadsheets for the year and the month. I always wonder how it will add up every time. Fun nevertheless for better or worse.

Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua covered in 'thick crust of carbon-rich gunk' []

Very fascinating, reminds me of a ship from any sci-fi series.

Like the details!


That's great to see. It has been a long time since you last went there right?

Got my projects and clients taken care of for the year and it's now time to rest up and get some last minute shopping done for the holidays.

Yep, around iOS 4 since they began it as far as I can recall.


Or you can repair it yourself using those iFixit kits, very useful.


Looks like I'm spending a bit more time getting the final tweaks done than I expected. It does happen but luckily it won't cause changes to my schedule.

Apple has confirmed Geekbench's findings. []

Welp. Only way to combat this is to get a fresh battery.

Geekbench data shows correlation between old iPhone batteries and reduced performance, suggesting iOS slows down iPhones with old batteries to avoid shutdowns []

A must read if your iPhone's performance isn't what you intended especially older ones. I can guess reading from this is there's now evidence in some sort of planned obsolescence and Apple's intent is right there.