Spotted a couple of Golf R32s randomly and for awhile I thought it was Lauren Kortbein stopping by. She does love driving those.

For those who don't know who she is, her blog is here []

Indeed, it is rough sometimes, I can relate to that.

I'm sure it's non-stop and there's lots of demand.

An extra bit of analysis for Clemency []
Fascinating insight.

Went to the city today and getting some overdue back issues of comics and magazines for reading on trips. Sounds like I have the right amount.

For me, I doubt that they will take is seriously especially the US Congress.

I have mentioned this before but planning on going to MA, Western NY, CT, and maybe PA.

Well done, and congrats!

Christina Warren on the history of SoundCloud and it's uncertain future []

On Brian McCullough's Internet History Podcast, a must listen.

Voting machines at DefCon got hacked in less than two minuites []
The US still doesn't take election security seriously.