I would think it will be since all sponsored to be iOS7 ready by 1 Feb. @johnpatkinson @clew_less

When you hear "60 degrees in December" you know it's a historic weekend of sorts.

Holiday shopping is done for me as I got into both pavement and online orders over with today. Tough tasks indeed.

Also ADN's own app and Orbit does the job. @eyes @trine @jdscolam @michelelewis @charl @kimberleekarr @lena

Music starts playing "Let it Snow". It's more like "Let it Warm" to me on a day like this.

@pamdavis Out east that is, not sure how is out west but first official day of the Winter season and it's not what I expect.

@hekau @shawna Most likely true but only minimal. Which reminds me: I don't think ADN suffered any major outages since I first joined so a good testament.

Good morning folks, a lovely day today surely.

@hekau Around 11PM EST #sleepadning

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