As I was leaving the office for the year, received a questionable spam email: "Want to get laid back? I have a offer for you to remember…" Obiously, I went ahead and trash that because its not for me. That'll teach 'em!

"Airbnb says this man does not exist. So I had coffee with him" []
Brings up the challenges people using the service brings in terms of legality/illegality.

On that note, its the final workday before the winter break so mostly wrapping up and cleaning most of the day.

Plenty of top tier apps are on sale through App Santa [], and its a good selection too. #teamappdiction

"Creative on Display"
This is very cool, someone did a guy reading a paper with coffee on hand in snow/ice form.

![Image from Felix.jpg]( from Felix.jpg)

Stayed at the office a bit longer than usual so I can plan to leave a bit early tomorrow. Projects are done for the year all that matters!

This Newsweek piece from 1995 got it all wrong [] thinking the web won't take off. Still a classic to this day.

After hearing about the massive Target hack, makes me glad that I don't shop there (or any other in person retailer) with plastics.

@pamdavis Well, partially. Getting the Portal 2 stuff for someone since I have most of them already but IT Crowd mug is for me.

Using the Free Shipping Day rule as an excuse, went to ThinkGeek (shameless me) and got a Portal 2 Wesley keychain, some charge cables and a IT Crowd mug for coffee reasons. Hah.