@annatarkov @oluseyi @evs @jws Was thinking the same. When it started out, I thought that it was a great platform to build on and I would be happy to pay for it,. Now the media, ad, celeb and news people are the voices now…
@duerig Was thinking of that too, but never came into it although it was a nice idea. @evs @jws @annatarkov
@jws You nailed it right on the head, I admit there are some stuff on the web that I may miss once I'm gone from that but in most cases I don't really. @annatarkov @evs @oluseyi
Well that was fun in a way, long day worth it. Also sent some holiday cards tonight (physical and digital) which feels great.
@joanna @thelma @spacecab Really? It's okay to be surprised although now you have a reason to check them out. Historically a top influential band #MondayNightDanceParty
China says it has landed a Jade Rabbit robotic rover on the Moon [j.mp], the first soft landing there in 37 years. Sad that not one US news source covered it in detail over the weekend.
Paul Dini: Superhero cartoon execs don't want largely female audiences [j.mp] For example: They “spurn female viewers because they believe girls and women don't buy the shows' toys.” Wow, just…..wow.
"Morning all, lat full week before the holidays start, but work to do before that happens.