Another game that involves a female protagonist that's growing on me is Remember Me which I finally got a chance to play, Enjoying the setting and visuals which defies the tech city concept!

With all these hack-jobs I've seen today, I can say websites are having a rough day.

I do enjoy drinking Yuengling beer, but if they go after unions and be greedy [] then I won't support them anymore. Shame.

Gentelmen! Or, how our most successful game is also our least profitable []

144 copies sold & 50,000 pirated on Android alone, scary but not surprised given the piracy rate on the platform.

Luckily I have a 3.5 day week but making the most of it!

No spoilers but one word to describe tonight's Breaking Bad: Insane.

@pamdavis I wouldn't bother seeing it, might as well wait for the Sorkin-directed film (based on the Isaacson biography) since its the actual one.

The future of libraries [] | A very important take on this, exciting possibilities.

From my New York State getaway a fortnight back: Run to the Hills

![Image from Felix.jpg]( from Felix.jpg)

@jdscolam This link [] has a bit more detail on that, what a way to alienate its female fans. @michelelewis