Such a lovely day in the city, couldn't resisting taking a light walk despite my soreness.

Thing is nothing is really "free" if you think about it. @ceejbot

Basically when you sign up, you automatically get GMail and Google+. Glad I didn't have to go through that since I was an early adopter and it wasn't required but call it sneak job. @ceejbot

Can We Replace Passwords with Placewords? | Interesting but I'm mixed on this one. -

Good Saturday everyone, up and early for errands then a relaxing type!

Enjoyed playing Gone Home tonight, fun and characters were top notch!

Glad I'm going to have a relaxing weekend as my neck starting to bother me, probably after all the grinding this week.

Data from hundreds of sites shows 23% usage of adblock []

Oh wow, people just don't like ads at all.

It has been fun so no worries, it's useful! @pamdavis @gmc @brandan

"If You Want To Sell Digital Products, Bundle Them With Physical Ones" []

I'm 50/50 on this one to be fair.