Glad I'm going to have a relaxing weekend as my neck starting to bother me, probably after all the grinding this week.
Data from hundreds of sites shows 23% usage of adblock []
Oh wow, people just don't like ads at all.
"If You Want To Sell Digital Products, Bundle Them With Physical Ones" []
I'm 50/50 on this one to be fair.
What if in-app purchase came to real life? []
Well, this is a good thought piece on that very question, pretty funny.
So Steve Ballmer is hanging it up []. Bombshell or expected, either way this is huge ramifications.
Now that's a "wat" type of bombshell in terms of who WB/DC just cast as Batman. Unexpected.
Breakthrough: Scientists build a beating mouse heart with human tissue []
Science is fun, isn't it? Awesome!
'Morning all on this muggy of a Thursday, but did managed to pick the right footwear and clothing for that situation.
And with that, I say it's turn-in-for-the-night time for me now, but will be back at it I'm sure!